Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Guess He Really Wanted A Bagel!

This morning I had one of my first reminders that I'm actually living in the city, and not just some tourist trap with good restaurants and pretty scenery. After walking 2 miles to work like I do every morning, today I decided that I needed some food if I was going to make it to lunch, so I stopped in the Noah's Bagels down the block from my office. When I walked in it was pretty crowded, and I couldn't tell who was waiting for their food and who hadn't ordered yet. I made my way past a few people so I could take a look at the board and decide what to order, and next thing I knew the girl behind the counter was pointing at me and rushing me to order. I turned towards her, and before I could even open my mouth, a very short, very bald man behind me with Very Short Very Bald Man Syndrome (VSVBMS) started SCREAMING about how I had cut him in line. (Nevermind the fact that there was another girl behind the counter already motioning for him to come up and order through her.)

Normally I might have just ignored him, but for some reason today I was particularly bothered by this behavior, so I instantly backed up and said something to the effect of "I didn't see you there, but since you want to make SUCH a big deal about it, go ahead and order!" As is typical of very short, very bald men with VSVBMS when you actually stand up to them, he got quiet and refused to step up to the counter. The standoff lasted about 10 seconds, with me repeating "No, come on, it was such a big deal to you" and him motioning for the guy behind him to go ahead of him, but he finally did step up and order. I then ordered with the other woman, still standing there, and by the time I turned around to pay, the guy was gone. I kind of hope he ran out of the store in embarrassment.

I still love the city, but I guess I need to remember that I'm going to run into more self-important people here than I'm used to. Trust me, they exist in Phoenix too, but they're usually sitting in their BMWs on the 101 instead of harassing me while I'm getting breakfast.

1 comment:

Neil K. said...

I used to live downtown near Foggy Bottom metro station in DC for two years, and I saw this kind of thing happen at least once a month while living and working there (I never ate in!) My theory is that the air pollution (diesel fumes, mostly), mass transit angst, and people's deeply cynical, urban-style attitudes conspire to make this happen far more in a big city, than say, the suburban sprawl of a town like Phoenix. The dickish, self-important people are pretty much the steepest price to pay for urban living. Well, that, and the almost criminally expensive rent (not that you have that problem!)

Keep the stories coming, amiguito!
