Friday, August 21, 2009


Just a quick update, because it's 5pm on a Friday, and I should try to wrap things up and get out of here (which, of course, isn't going to happen anyway, so I may as well write here).

Got to take a well-deserved week off last week and hit Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria. It was really nice being back in Seattle among friends, and the trip as a whole worked out great. We hit the weather just right; it rained in Vancouver on our first day, which was fine because all we really wanted to do was hang out in our nice hotel room after getting up super-early for the train. The next two days were perfect and we got to see more than I ever would have expected. Victoria worked out equally well - the only rain we got was when we were right in the middle of Butchart Gardens, and all it did was thin out how many people stuck around and arguably make the place look even better. I would definitely recommend checking out the pictures Beth put up on Facebook (if you aren't her friend, I'm in the albums, so you can get to them through my profile too).

As a whole, a great way to spend the week, but we were ready to get home after 8 days on the road. No real casualties on the trip, other than me leaving Beth's camera in the car at the airport and having to buy a new one when we got to Seattle (it's ok, her camera was still there when we got back). And the best part of all - I had a valid excuse to turn off my phone for about 5 days. I don't think I've done that since I went to Europe over 4 years ago, and I think it's something I should make an effort to do at least annually.

This weekend we're hitting a 49ers vs Raiders game (Beth's parents are in town, and her cousin is playing on a trial basis for the Raiders during pre-season), followed by a day in Napa on Sunday to look at more wedding places. I think I'm going to need a vacation from all of these vacations sooner or later. If I'm not feeling too lazy maybe I'll fill in on the results of these outings, since I'm sure everyone is dying to know.