Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Found Chipotle

All can be right in the world... yesterday, during my walk to work, I happened to stumble upon that sight that most hungry people dream about. It's 5 blocks away from my work, if that.

I know it isn't your typical Los Betos style grease, but for now I'll take it! I guess I can survive here.

1 comment:

Neil K. said...

Scientists have found that a profound lack of Filiberto's, Los Betos, Los Armandos, or Ramiro's in the diet of Phoenix expatriates often produces night sweats, insomnia, and intense cravings for greasy, delicious machaca burritos. Well, for people named Neil anyways.

In any case, I couldn't be happier you found your little chunk of the Southwest up there in SoMa. I think I know where we're eating when I come least for one meal. :)
