Thursday, July 23, 2009


It should be pretty obvious by now that I'm not going to be very good about updating this blog. That said, I decided I should at least go ahead and change the main title of the page, given that we bought a car over two months ago (a 1996 Civic with 51000 miles on it, for the interested -- and yes, it really was driven by a little old lady that barely used it). So for now we'll call it "Adventures in California", although my main adventure is getting to work courtesy of crazy bus drivers because I'm too lazy to ride that bike I bought to the ferry. (4 miles doesn't sound far, but when the bus is two blocks away and has wi-fi, it's hard to be motivated!).

For my next trick I'll think about changing the url of the blog, since I don't actually live in San Francisco anymore. In the mean time, I don't think my hoards of readers will mind.


Amy said...

I WISH my bus had wi-fi. Of course then I might be so engrossed in the internet that i'd miss out on hearing the conversations of all the interesting characters going to buy heroin at denny park at 8:30am....

Jason said...

Don't be too jealous. The wi-fi works only if there isn't a cloud in the sky, we aren't on the lower deck of the bridge (or in a tunnel), and I'm holding my laptop at a 35 degree angle relative to the floor of the bus. And even then, it's slower than dialup.