Thursday, October 16, 2008

High School Reunion

My 10 year high school reunion is this weekend (I think... I haven't been following up too closely, but I know that some of my friends are headed to Phoenix around now, so I have to assume it's this weekend). As much as I can complain that I'm working long hours at the new job, or praise how great living in the city is, the most notable thing I can think of today when I consider the effects of moving away is this: I have a valid excuse to not have to attend a stupid reunion!

It's amazing that it's been 10 years, but I don't see the need to spend hundreds of dollars to reminisce about a time that really wasn't that great to begin with. If there are one or two people that I really am curious to see, they're probably just a facebook friend request away (but I can't think of anyone at the moment).


Amy said...

I had a dream last night that I saw Satya at the reunion and he started talking to some other guy and then they started making out. It was kind of hot. I realize that is not very PG but I just had to tell you cause it's too random. You can delete this if it's not appropriate! :)

Jason said...

Hell, I'm not going to delete it -- I'm going to find Satya on facebook and forward him the link so he can yell at you at the reunion.

Amy said...

Well he wasn't there. It was a super small turn-out. The only person there who you knew/were friends with was Maggie Burnett.