Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Going climbing tonight for the first time in months. It's going to be scary and embarrassing.

The trip back to Phx this weekend was fun. I got to hit all of the old spots (Four Peaks, Chino Bandito, etc), play some flipcup with old kickball friends, and get away from city noise for a little while. All in all, a good first trip back. Now will begin the constant harassment to get everyone to come up here.


Neil K. said...

Sorry I missed you in town; I'll be one of the first to take you up on your "crash here sometime" offer over in 'Frisco. Word.

How was climbing?

Unknown said...

You're never on Gchat anymore! Just wanted to let you know that the cat that ran away was Cooter, not Milo the Yinzer.

For Milo to run out of the house would require effort to get off of the couch for something other than food...not likely.

Hope yinz had a good Turkey Day n'at!
